Diablo battle.net beta unlocked There isnt much to say about the unlock. Diabloui.dll had the single player button disabled and grayed out, just had to patch a few things to get it back enabled. Storm.dll had a very simple check in SNetInitializeProvider to exit if the selected mode was single player. And finally diablo.exe was missing the function that handles the single player button, it had instead a messagebox displaying ’Not available in beta version’ (which casually had the exact amount of characters than ’Unable to display SelHeroSing’, needed in the new function that I implemented :D). I also removed the beta screen at startup from the exe and re-used that place of code to load a new function. This new function imports UiSelHeroSingDialog from diabloui.dll into the exe. This one was not imported by the exe and i had to manually import it with GetModuleHandle + GetProcAddress. blankname