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The Bone Chamber |
Run down that the Retail-Version of this quest is actually a merging of the original Beta-Variant & the introduction
of the Catacombs.
...and so the knowledge was too great. With reluctance, the power of the awesome and destructive spell was sealed
forever beyond the Chamber of Bone. A magical stairway marks the way to the Chamber. Many have tried to recover the
power sealed within, but all have fallen prey to the Guardians. You have been warned.
(Book of Novaness = code-entry) Here is the nova spell.
Note: As you can see there's not the slightest indication of a treasure and besides that it needs to
be mentioned that you were to receive the Nova- instead of the Guardian-spell, which means that this spell wasn't
as powerful as it is in the final Version.
Retail: ..Beyond the Hall of Heroes lies the Chamber of Bone. Eternal death awaits any who would seek to
steal the treasures secured within this room. So speaks the Lord of Terror, and so it is written.
(After reading the Guardian book) Arcane knowledge gained!
The Maze |
(later: Ogden's Sign) The name (to see how occurrence, position and name of the quests have changed during
the development-phase take a look at the quest-occurrence-chart [Appendix B]) isn't the only difference here, as
the area, in which this quest takes place isn't the altered level4-entrance (appeared for the first time in the
Retail Version[banner1&banner2.dun]), but a spectacular as well as separate level called the maze
Prince Albrecht-, King Leoric- & Archbishop Lazarus-related Quests
The whole Albrecht-Leoric-Lazarus-Concept didn't exist in the earlier days of Diablo, although even back then the
Archbishop used to be the betrayer, though you weren't supposed to find it out as early as in the Retail-Version.
The Butcher |
The following speech isn't an unknown one, since it does appear in the Retail-Version's mpq-file as soundfile as
well, but it is an earlier not an alternate version of the wounded townsman-speech in which no hint regarding
Lazarus (he lead the wounded as well as some other townfolks into a trap) comes up:
Wounded townsman:
Please help! I barely escaped from ...the Butcher! ..He killed wife children! I beg of you the name
of God ...avenge them.....
Note: related soundfile: deadguy2.wav (again do not let yourself be confused by that, since the
soundfile, which is used in Retail-Diablo is called wound01.wav not deadguy1.wav, that's why what we do learn from
this, is that there should be a wav-file which name is deadguy1, but it didn't even find his way in the Beta
& PrDemo Versions or mpq-files). |
The Skeleton King |
Read on to find out about a heirless king without advisor from the church, that no one could have ever imagined
if he's aware of the kindness, which his Retail-equivalent used to possess before he's gone mad.
I would like to ask your help. Years ago a corrupt king destroyed the land with necromancy. He used his dark powers
to kill all before him, then he would raise the dead to join his army of evil.
One of the king's own knights finally struck him down; now he rests in the catacombs of the cathedral. With evil
upon our land once more, I fear that the Skeleton King is again at work, building an undead army.
If you slay the evil king, he can not raise his army of skeleton warriors to destroy our land. You will find the
king's tomb 3 levels below.
The Skeleton Kings undead minions still plague this land! You must kill the Dark King or the walking dead will
destroy every thing! His tomb is 3 levels below.
You have saved this land from a terrible evil. With the King again resting in peace, the undead hordes will not
return. Thank you...
The Bishop Lazarus |
Besides that you may receive a very interesting reward, it needs to be mentioned, that Lazarus does emerge one
level later than in the Retail-Version {which is why Diablo "goes down by one" as well [apart from that
Lazarus-appearance-reason, it so happens, that an email, which was sent to beta-subscribers contained some
interesting information, like the mentioning of 5 different tilesets in the final game, as we've only received 4
(church, catacombs, caves & 'hell') the '17th level' theory becomes quite likely (Actually it's just a sub-level
(remember for example Leoric's hiding place), which should be reachable via portal on the 16th floor, but as it is
considered as a separate one in Retail-days entitling it the '17th one' seems fair], since if there's one place,
that should have its own (the 5th) tileset, then it's definitely Diablo's}.
Trigger: Tremain, the Priest
Gist: Stop the Bishop from finishing the ritual and deliver him from his excruciations
(possible)Reward: The mace Lightforge
I bring word from the Church. Through dark means, the Bishop Lazarus was corrupted.
His betrayal has allowed Diablo to gain a foothold in our world, and now he works in futherance of Diablo's
schemes. We have divined his current location as being sixteen levels under the church. He must be
stopped, and his soul put to rest.
Why do you delay?! Lazarus' actions doom us all. Hurry!
It is a weight off of my heart. Rest in peace Bishop Lazarus. I believe you are worthy of one of the Church's holy
weapons. The Church appoints you charge of the mace Lightforge. Use it well, and God speed
(=may God be with you)!
This is terrible, I don't know when we will get another chance. Well it was worth the try. Good luck my son,
I feel that you will face more horrors, be strong and you will succeed.
Interloper! You dare to interfere with our destiny?! You shall suffer a slow, painful death!
You are too late! Now you will feel the wrath of hell!.
Two generatable results:
- You get there in time, which is why you'll get to listen to Lazarus' first speech and Tremain will find himself
handing over a celestial gift accompanied by quite some motivating words, still you aren't done yet, although moving
against an unprotected Diablo with such a weapon equipped can't be much of a problem, right?
- You do not make it, but to your surprise, even though you're too late no Lazarus steps in your way, confused but
still quite satisfied with yourself you return to Tristram to report to Tremain, who doesn't seem to be amused at
all, which he described quite well via his 4th speech and by not letting go of that weapon of his, although in the
end he at least wished you good luck. While you're still trying to figure out, what Tremain actually meant by
saying that part concerning another chance, you return to level 16 just to find a newly-set-up portal there waiting
to be used by none other than you. When you've finally reached the portal's destination you're not that sure
anymore, that the decision, was a clever one to make, since besides Diablo and several other hellish creatures,
that you haven't seen before and probably didn't miss to haven't done so, there is also Lazarus greeting you with
that all-explaining 2nd speech of his, making clear that Tremain wanted to say, that he doesn't know, when there'll
be another chance to get rid of this sucker, but why is it again, that if a second chance is given to one, it's
always that obvious, that it could have been much easier?