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Appendix A

A technical approach to the Quest-topic by Onyx (brilliant as well as enjoyable):

Walking around in the ruins
NOTE: This article consists of theories only, and not proven statements. They are born from the similarity of function of some unused quest and some used quests. They might or might not be true, and most likely we'll never know for sure.

You have all read Trimayne's quest article and you're probably excited about the amount of unused material in Diablo. But did you ever think that when you're heading to find that Black Mushroom again and again and again, you might be seeing all those things in action? This article deals exactly with that. It tries to link the existing quests with the removed ones, because many of them have similar functionality. There goes:

Poisoned-Water Worms:
The removed quest is about the basement of a house in Tristram that is invaded by worms. You must go there and kill them all to complete the quest. Furthermore, a piece of the town changes while the quest is active (the door of the house is open and we can safely assume that it will be closed once you complete the quest). Would have made a wonderful quest in the final version, considering that you were going to enter a new dungeon and fight a new enemy! But wait...
Poinsoned Water Supply... You need to find the passage and kill all the monsters in there in order to finish the quest. Again, an object in town changes – the water in the well becomes yellow-ish while the quest is active and after that is restored to normal. A coincidence?
You decide. The only difference is that the level is not directly attached to town. Dress the new level with a cave tileset, put fallen and stuff inside, rework the speeches and viola! The worms turn into a water supply.

Learn what?
Seems like the whole 'learn-spell-from-a-book'concept was around in the very early days of Diablo. And it appears that there was a Learn Golem book in Horazon's Sanctum. Was that an independent quest? Or was it a reward for completing Horazon's quest? We'll never know. I tend to think that the latter is highly possible.

In the final version we have Chamber of Bone... with a quite similar reward – learn Guardian from a book. It's also known that in previous versions of the Chamber of Bone quest, the book was giving Nova to the player. The spell changes, but maybe the book stays the same. So this book just might be that same book that was supposed to be in Horazon's Sanctum and teach your character Golem.


The Priest's... daughter
Tremain the Priest... A cool removed NPC from Diablo, who faces his death when you bring him the Shadowfang sword after you defeat the demon Fleshdoom. This is one of the best removed quests in my opinion, and I really regret the fact that it didn't make it to the final release. It's highly possible that Tremain is not in Tristram from the start, but appears after some point.

Does that sound familiar? We all know the two quests that appear in Hellfire when using the command option. I'll talk about one of them, namely the Celia-Hork Demon-Theo quest. Celia is a little girl who appears near Adria's shack at some point. Her teddy bear Theo has been kidnapped by a demon and she wants it back. So you go and kill the Hork Demon, get the toy and return to Celia. And surprise – she disappears and surrenders an item! Now let's think about it. This whole concept is used in the removed Fleshdoom quest, isn't it? NPC appears, gives mission, you kill a monster, get an item that the monster dropped to the NPC and the NPC gets it and disappears. The only mismatch is the dropped reward from Celia, but here's what I think happens: when you give Shadowfang to Tremain, he disappears and drops... Shadowfang! Yes, so you can go and destroy the sword on Hellforge. So if we assume that it was like that, we can conclude that Sierra resurrected Tremain in Hellfire as Celia.